Friday, April 29, 2011

God Brings Tranquility

Post numero two

Before I begin this post I think it is important for people to understand how the following terms are technically defined--->

Tranquility: state of being calm
Peaceful: not argumentative, quarrelsome, or hostile
Hopeful: promising advantage or success
Calmness: freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness
Serene: calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled

               I find it amazing God has thought up all these things for him to grant onto us.  He created each individual thing for very specific reasons.  He created tranquility (state of being calm) so that we may take the time to understand why things happen.  He has materialized tranquility in still waters, the warmness of the sun, and the time we take to sleep.  He gave us tranquility in these forms to teach us humans how to be like nature and be still.
               He then created peacefulness (not argumentative, quarrelsome, or hostile) so that our destructive nature may be silenced long enough to hear and understand other humans.  He then materialized it in the form of infants sleeping, careless play amongst small children and animals, and the wonderful feeling of daytime napping.  He granted the earth all of these things to show humans that it is possible to feel at peace with everything and without it the world would be plagued with anxiety uncontrollably.
               God then sent the earth hope (the promising advantage or success) because without hope humans have nothing to strive for in life.  He gave them hope in many things such as growing food, raising children, corporate promotion, and life everlasting.  He gave the world hope in order to create a purpose for humans and to make human life a beautiful thing that has endless possibilities with hope.
                And with hope he gave us calmness (free from motion or disturbance; stillness) because with all the wonderful things humans create they need to be still enough from that life to see the wonders in nature which are immeasurable.  He materliazed calmness in the slow steady growth of flowers and trees, the waters as their ripples return to their original state, and mountains that never falter.  Without calmness humans would pass every wonder in nature by and not understand the God creating such things are marvelous and so complex that only a being such as God could create them.  He wanted us to stop and see.
                 Finally, God bundled all of those things together by creating serenity (to be calm, peacful, tranquill or unruffled) so that humans may take all of his ideas and be able to combine them to live a full and rich life.

God has created everything in this world and he should be honored for even the simplest of things.  If we do not stop and smell the flowers we do not see the complexity flowers add to the earth.  If we refuse to listen we will not hear the wind carrying Gods voice to all corners of the earth.  If we do not stop then our waters will always have ripples preventing us from seeing beneath the surface clearly.

God is Love
Psalms 23:4

Live, Laugh, Love because God has made it so.

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