Wednesday, May 4, 2011

God does not give us obstacles we cannot overcome

             Many people blame God for their misfortunes and scream that he is a hateful God.  What those people fail to realize is that God doesn't put you through anything you can't handle.  When you ask God to grant you patience he does not give you patience he puts you in a situation where you have the oppurtunity to be patient.  When you ask God to give you courage he does not simply give it to you but rather gives you the chance to act courageously.  To even begin to think God is the cause of you misfortune is absolutely insane. 
            There is someone who causes us strife, and it is ourselves.  The Devil may influence such bad things but it is our human nature to do things irrationally and many times with consequences.  It is our own doing that causes us problems.  We gest sick because of things we do, we have physical pain because of things we do, we have heartache because of things we do, the pattern is... WE HURT BECUASE OF THINGS WE DO!!!!

God does not put us through anything we cannot handle.
God is Love
Psalms 23:4

God's Angel

Friday, April 29, 2011

God Brings Tranquility

Post numero two

Before I begin this post I think it is important for people to understand how the following terms are technically defined--->

Tranquility: state of being calm
Peaceful: not argumentative, quarrelsome, or hostile
Hopeful: promising advantage or success
Calmness: freedom from motion or disturbance; stillness
Serene: calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled

               I find it amazing God has thought up all these things for him to grant onto us.  He created each individual thing for very specific reasons.  He created tranquility (state of being calm) so that we may take the time to understand why things happen.  He has materialized tranquility in still waters, the warmness of the sun, and the time we take to sleep.  He gave us tranquility in these forms to teach us humans how to be like nature and be still.
               He then created peacefulness (not argumentative, quarrelsome, or hostile) so that our destructive nature may be silenced long enough to hear and understand other humans.  He then materialized it in the form of infants sleeping, careless play amongst small children and animals, and the wonderful feeling of daytime napping.  He granted the earth all of these things to show humans that it is possible to feel at peace with everything and without it the world would be plagued with anxiety uncontrollably.
               God then sent the earth hope (the promising advantage or success) because without hope humans have nothing to strive for in life.  He gave them hope in many things such as growing food, raising children, corporate promotion, and life everlasting.  He gave the world hope in order to create a purpose for humans and to make human life a beautiful thing that has endless possibilities with hope.
                And with hope he gave us calmness (free from motion or disturbance; stillness) because with all the wonderful things humans create they need to be still enough from that life to see the wonders in nature which are immeasurable.  He materliazed calmness in the slow steady growth of flowers and trees, the waters as their ripples return to their original state, and mountains that never falter.  Without calmness humans would pass every wonder in nature by and not understand the God creating such things are marvelous and so complex that only a being such as God could create them.  He wanted us to stop and see.
                 Finally, God bundled all of those things together by creating serenity (to be calm, peacful, tranquill or unruffled) so that humans may take all of his ideas and be able to combine them to live a full and rich life.

God has created everything in this world and he should be honored for even the simplest of things.  If we do not stop and smell the flowers we do not see the complexity flowers add to the earth.  If we refuse to listen we will not hear the wind carrying Gods voice to all corners of the earth.  If we do not stop then our waters will always have ripples preventing us from seeing beneath the surface clearly.

God is Love
Psalms 23:4

Live, Laugh, Love because God has made it so.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God Does Not Hate Anyone

Hello this is my first post for this blog, and in this blog I will write about how God is very actively affecting all of our lives.

The first thing I want to talk about is hate.  For the record, God does not hate anyone because it is not in his being to hate.  He understands hate because he created it but God does not hate, and he doesn't hate for a very good reason...He sent his ONLY son to be crucified for the sake of the whole world because he loved us humans so much.  Now if God really hated anyone would he have sacrificed his own blood? The answer is no he wouldn't have. 
Fred Phelps is a prime example of people who claim to understand the bible and christianity more than almost everyone but in reality he has no clue.  He goes around the country protesting things and spreading the false word of God.  He attends funerals of homosexuals holding up signs that says "God hates fags" and he goes to war vets funerals with signs that say "God hates you" because they supported a government war that he doesn't approve of.  Mr. Phelps you must realize one major flaw in all of your work, GOD HATES NO ONE!! Only humans and satan have the capacity to hate.  Sure God wiped the earth clean with flood of wicked people but he did so out of love for us.  He saw the path humans were headed down because Satan had penetrated humans so much then.  Well if God still felt he had to wipe the earth clean of evil again he would do it, he even said he would do it again.  But he hasn't, and don't tell me he has tried because if God wanted to do it he could and there would be no "trying" on his part there would be only doing.  You saying God hates fags is like a teacher saying children eat books... first its just ridiculous and then its ignorant to even accept such a "fact" in the first place.  Mr. Phelps needs to understand that he is preaching hate, which is the work of Satan and it is Satan and ONLY Satan that have instilled hate in his mind and it is ignorant fake christians like him that drove my brother to kill himself yesterday.

Yesterday my older brother, Rob, killed himself.  He was 27 years old, and he was gay.  He wasn't my actual brother but after his family kicked him out for being gay mine took him and he became that older brother figure to me.  If there is anything I learned from him while he was living with us it is that I began to understand homosexuality more.  I was always taught to be accepting of all people no matter what, but to be honest I didn't understand homosexuality.  He opened my eyes and showed me many things.  First thing he taught me is that being gay is not a choice for some, the feeling of attraction and falling in love is a biological feeling where endorfins are produced at extreme amounts, your blood pressure rises, your pupils dialate, and your muscles recieve enormous amounts of stimulation from your brain.  Those are all things we cannot control, and being homosexual means those involuntary bodily functions happen around the same sex.  Another thing he taught me about homosexuality is that to be open about it means you are willing to pay the price that goes along with it.  All through high school he was bullied insufferably by everyone, he became depressed and tried taking his own life many times.  He killed himself yesterday because in his eyes there was nothing to live for.  The pain had overcome him, the hurt had trapped him in a corner, and no one was there to help him out.  I wish someone had been there, but things happen for a reason and I firmly believe that.

This all makes me think about death and what it has in store for everyone.  I wonder if God forgave him for ending his life prematurely.  I don't wonder if God forgave him for being gay because all sins in God's eyes are equal and so he is no worse than someone who has murdered or lied or cheated.  But upon knowing this fact I am leaning more towards him forgiving Rob for his suicide, but then I wonder if Rob didn't have time to repent to God for his sins where he is?  But everyone should understand this: Rob did not kill himself...the people who hated him and bullied him and preyed on him like Fred Phelps killed him.  Everyone who has ever made a joke on homosexuals, descriminated against them, physically hurt one of them, or ever damned them for who they were killed him.  So I wonder if God took that into account as well.  I pray he is heaven and I know soon I will be blessed with the peace of mind as to his whereabouts.  But until then I wonder, I think about death in general...and I'm afraid.

God comforts me
Psalms 23:4

God is love- R.I.P Rob